Friday, September 9, 2011

32 pounds!

I've lost 32 pounds!  Things are going well.  I go through spurts of major motivation to allowing myself a little too much.  It's so interesting to me how personal dieting has to be.  I am fine with allowing myself treats here and there, but I've learned that I can't keep it stocked in my house.  

I LOVE Lindor Dark Chocolate Truffles so when I go to the store at the check out I grab one or two for a treat.  One day I thought that it would be cheaper in the long run to just buy a bag of them so I did...big mistake.  They went pretty fast.  They were so yummy!  So for now I stick to grabbing one or two at check out.  :)  

The same goes for baking.  I made cookies last Sunday, which I've had to avoid at all costs because I know I'll eat lots of dough and cookies!  Well, I gave some to the hubby and kids, ate a little dough, a couple cookies, then gave the rest of the cookies to a good friend.  I knew if I kept it in the house I'd eat them, so why get them out and have an excuse to visit a friend?  It worked out great.

This dieting thing is tough, but I love it.  I love feeling better and happier.  I love feeling like I have accomplished something difficult and wonderful.  I love knowing that I can do hard things.  I love believing that I can lose more.  I love feeling the love and support from my family and friends.  Thanks to all of you for your comments and even just checking my blog.  I love to hear that people read it.  

Thanks again and keep checking for updates!!